Sound Analysis
- when the production company is shown there is a fast and upbeat sound which straight away creates a sense of rapidness which could be referenced as non-diegetic sound.
- the upbeat sound is still carrying on as we hear the cars fleeting past which becomes more frequent in order for the audience to feel as if the cars are catching up with each other.
- when the tank crashes through the lorry the sound effects are so intense as we can hear every little detail in order to understand the power of the tank and how much destruction it has caused which will effect the other cars.
- the atmosphere and style of the music changes to high pitch one tone singing voice which is simplistic as the sounds of destruction over rides this sound. It is also a form of juxtaposition between these two sounds as one is very calming and the other is complete destruction.
- when the other team of cars are aware that there is a tank approaching and ruining their plan there is no sound in order for there to be more emphasis on the intensity of the havoc that will be caused by the tank which is called diegetic sound.
- initially there is a quiet guitar playing in a happy but simplistic notes being played which is called diegetic sound.
- when the actors start talking which is referenced to diegetic sound, there is strong sound of birds to represent tranquility.
- when she starts to read the letter the piano starts to become more distinctive but has a slightly deeper tone to the initial guitar which shows that something is changing in the mood or atmosphere in this particular moment.
- as the woman protagonist realizes that she has a new dramatic change in her life the sound becomes more vibrant and energetic in order to portray that there is a positive outcome for herself and the children at the end of the film.
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